Asphalt 8 MOD APK

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Gameloft is famous for the variety of games they produce for the mobile platform. The 8th version of the classic racing game series on this phone makes a great impression on players. Asphalt 8: Airborne seeks to renew and still entertain the Gameloft-loving arcade racing player.
The goals are not simple, considering the success of the last two chapters and the in-app purchase. The French manufacturer seems to have worked very well this time. The new title is classic but able to entertain the player again, despite there are many extra-purchases within the application.
How to race in Asphalt 8: Airborne
Classic is the simplest racing mode. It contains 6 or 8 cars taking part in a two-round race, and the winner will win three stars. The other two stars are for completing the other minor tasks such as turning, crashing the opponent’s car, or perfect run.
This game mode is exciting and highly competitive. The racers will race multiple rounds continuously. And after each round, a countdown timer will appear on the playing screen. After the clock reaches zero, the person who ranked last will be “deleted.” So on until only the last survivor will be the winner.
With this mode, fight with another player, knock them down with powerful jabs, or tap opponents that cause their vehicle to be damaged. For each successful failure of the opponent vehicle, you will be counted once. And within a specified period, the driver with the most knockdowns will be the winner.
For experienced players or those passionate about top speed, there is no need to explain the meaning of the word “drift.” But with Asphalt 8: Airborne, the more important thing is how to drift successfully and accurately through the gates to get enough points through the cards.
Because every time you drift, you have a collision with another vehicle or with an obstacle. The car will immediately return to normal running mode. But if you are requesting drifting for long-distance, it will quickly reset, and you have to start over.
Besides three traditional racing modes, Classic, Knockdown, and Elimination, in this version, Gameloft has added an extra element, namely the racing mode called “Infected.” It is the first and most noticeable highlight of Asphalt 8: Airborne.
In this mode, players in the last position in the race will have a certain period before being “infected with the virus” and exploding. “Virus infection” can spread to the opponent by direct contact. It means even if you are not infected by being the last, there is a possibility that other vehicles may have been touched and affected.
After a period of “virus infection,” your car will explode and return to normal. However, one advantage is that when infected with a virus, your vehicle will have a much higher speed than usual.
Play Games, Cloud support and multi-player functions
The Play Games component is entertaining and makes the game much more complicated, broad, social, and fun. Challenge our friends to improve their skills. Notably, continuous notifications, challenge requests, last-minute combats, and last-door matches will fascinate and be fun to play.
Thanks to Cloud support, the data will be synchronized on all your smartphones and Tablets. Most of the players experience the game on S4 and then switch to Nexus 7 to find everything perfectly smooth.
Thanks to the excellent management of Play Games component and Cloud support, the Asphalt 8 offers attractive local multiplayer component for challenges among friends and family members.